Welcome to the Solar Info Center

You are looking for solutions in the areas of renewable energy, energy conscious construction or renovation with a view to improve energy efficiency?
Solar Info Center is a hub of expertise in planning, building and managing with regard to energy consumption optimization. Here you will find a suitable partner – covering areas from environmental building technology to marketing and finance.
Send us your enquiry, e.g. via our contact form.
Gerne vermitteln wir Sie an die entsprechenden Expert:innen in unserem Haus.

The building

Daten & Fakten

Land area: 8,270 ㎡
Investitionssumme: approx. 26 m. Euro
Gross floor area: approx. 15,500 ㎡
Baubeginn: autumn 2001
Fertigstellung: autumn 2003

Aussenansicht des Solar Info Center

PATRIZIA Frankfurt Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH for the sole shareholder Provinzial-Rheinland Lebensversicherung AG, Düsseldorf, Germany, who also constructed the building

PLB Provinzial-Leben-Baubetreuungs-GmbH
Provinzialplatz 1
40591 Düsseldorf, Germany
Project management: Martin Hantel

center general plan
Rolf C. Buschmann, Prof. Aux. U.C.L.V.
Guido Epp
Solar Info Center
Freiburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 761 – 45989 00

Architectural practice Guido Epp
Schallstadt, Germany

Planungsgruppe Buschmann
Freiburg, Germany

Planungsgruppe Burgert Ing.-Büro für Elektrotechnik
Schallstadt, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7664 – 6204 -0

PGT Planungsgruppe Technik
Freiburg, Germany

solares bauen GmbH,
Freiburg, Germany

Ingenieurpartnerschaft Göppert & Vater
Staufen, Germany

Ingenieurbüro Albrecht & Schneider
Kirchzarten, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) -7661 – 7723

Ingenieurbüro Gehlen
Düsseldorf, Germany

Denzlingen, Germany

Immoconsult Frank GmbH
Freiburg, Germany, Phone: +49 (0) – 761 – 456 79 -20

Mietangebot & Flächennutzung

An extensive range of offices of various sizes.
Please contact us if you are interested in renting office space.

The Solar Info Center offers office space of various sizes, ranging from "smart offices" of 35 m² to an open-plan office of over 1,500 m². The individual offices are characterised by easy access and space-optimised design.

Product presentations and exhibitions can be used as a representative "shop window", for example to accompany lectures, business events or trade fairs.

The ground floor is occupied by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), whose laboratory and engineering staff pursue preproduction research and development and design prototypes, models, simulators, etc.

On the ground floor you find a bistro-restaurant-café offering a comprehensive menu – from lunch to catering – for employees, visitors, seminar guests and customers.
Here you can find the menu..

Idea & concept

Solar Info Center – Hub of expertise for the Solar Region Freiburg

At the Solar Info Center you will find businesses from different sectors covering the fields of architecture, building technology, energy consulting and engineering technology as well as experts in law, financing, marketing and further education – all under one roof. Thus SIC offers those interested in new energy technologies fast and efficient access to suitable experts – whether you are a business or client in the self-build sector. The companies in the Solar Info Center operate economically independently, but are located in a creative environment with potential team partners in their immediate vicinity and thus benefit from the synergy effects of a centre of excellence geared towards innovation and growth.

The market for renewable energies is booming worldwide. The Solar Info Center is well positioned as a hub of expertise for technology and marketing in this sector. In addition, Freiburg's international reputation as a Green City and solar capital with a wealth of knowledge, experience and contacts in the field of future-proof energy supply can be used to enhance the image of the tenants.

Solar Info Center - a representative location for your business.

Please get in touch.

Solar Info Center mit begrünter Außenanlage

Solar Info Center – the energy concept

The Solar Info Center focuses on power supply solutions that combine quality architecture and particularly low environmental impact.

Architects, engineers, and facility managers elaborate integrated plans that present an exemplary energy concept with innovative constituents – and that at conventional prices.

The concept aims to optimise the energy needed to maintain buildings. In doing so, it focuses on minimising heating and cooling loads, with integrated heat recovery and renewable energy sources like geothermics, photovoltaics and solar thermics.


The heat requirements are reduced to 30 kWh/m² thanks to the compact building structure, the above-average thermal insulation combined with the passive solar energy gains. Numerous electricity-saving measures help to lower the electricity demand to 10 W/m².

The intelligent window arrangement makes optimal use of daylight and at the same time prevents overheating. In summer, cool night air flows into the rooms through supply air elements in the outer façade. The seminar area is additionally cooled by ground temperature from a depth of up to 80 metres. In winter, the cold outside air is preheated according to the same principle.

Thermal and photovoltaic solar energy use is evaluated and demonstrated on the test and façade surfaces. The architectural possibilities, technical parameters as well as the practical and ecological benefits are clearly shown. The general electricity supply at the Solar Info Center is 100% renewable: it is generated by the 55 KWp photovoltaic systems on and around the building; in addition, there is a electricity from a green energy supplier.

The Solar Info Center’s innovative heating supply concept has been certified as 100% emission-free by the Centre for Applied Research at institutes at University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany.
The Solar Info Center is connected to the district heating network of the university hospital's combined heat and power plant. By investing in a modern heat recovery system in the combined heat and power plant, significantly more energy is saved than the Solar Info Center consumes in operation. This means that the heat supply of the Solar Info Center is 100% emission-free.

LEED-Platinum-certification since 2013

Das Siegel des Leed Platinum Zertifikats

In September 2013 the U.S. Green Building Council certified the Solar Info Center to LEED platinum level for its highly efficient building operations and maintance.The Solar Info Center was awarded 92 of a possible 110 points in the category “Building Stock”. On receiving this award, the Centre was the second best LEED certified stock building in Germany – and the fourth best in the world. The points awarded were 60% higher than the international average.

The SIC was chiefly awarded platinum certification for its high building energy efficiency the high level of power gerneration from renewable sources and its entirely emissions-free heating supply.

In 2020, the Solar Info Center was recertified, and again was awarded Platinum. According to the latest LEED v4.1 catalogue of stringent criteria, the Solar Info Center has been awarded the first-placed building with the highest score in its category in Germany.

The US sustainability label LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the leading international certification system for green buildings, homes, and neighbourhoods.

Best score for the Solar Info Center

“LEED employs a complex process to rate e.g. energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, the protection of resources, and indoor quality,” explained Carolin Prettner of Prettner + Buschmann. Also scrutinised are everyday routines.

Exemplary the following items earned the Solar Info Center LEED Platinum

  • the building’s high energy efficiency
  • a high percentage of electricity and heat generated from renewable sources
  • real time monitoring supplemented for energy consumptions and indoor qualities
  • reduction in individual CO2 emissions thanks to the tenants’ widespread use of environmentally friendly transportation
  • high daylight yield in the office areas
  • locally and ecologically produced foods in the canteens

Ownership & management


Das Solar Info Center ist eine privatwirtschaftlich finanzierte und betriebene Themenimmobilie für Energieeffizienz und Erneuerbare Energien. Die Büro-, Seminar-, Gastronomie- und Technikumflächen von über 14.000 Quadratmetern sind an bis zu 30 eigenständige Firmen vermietet

Lambda Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

Tochter der Provinzial-Rheinland Lebensversicherung AG, Düsseldorf
Weitere Informationen zur PROVINZIAL


Center Service at the Solar Info Center

Press enquiries, visitor groups, events, information

Alexandra Heneka-Lugan
Emmy-Noether Str. 2
79110 Freiburg (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0)761-55 785 15
Mobile: +49 (0)173-7523 804

Email: centerservice@sic-freiburg.de

Alternative contact:
Sofiane Benhattab
Emmy-Noether-Str. 2
79110 Freiburg (Germany)
Phone: +49 (0)761-55 785 00

Freunde & Partner

Green City Cluster
City of Freiburg
Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Commerce) Freiburg

Vermietung & Gebäudeverwaltung

(zuständig für Vermietung und Haustechnik, Tiefgarage)

Klaus Engel (Facility Manager)
und Thomas Lupp (Haustechnik)

Solar Info Center GmbH
Emmy-Noether Str. 2
79110 Freiburg (Germany)

Phone: +49 (0)761-55 785 -00
Fax: +49 (0)761-55 785 -09
Email: mail@solar-info-center.de